Frequently Asked Questions
Remote coaching is the training of the future. It gives you access to your coach, but also the flexibility to train on your own time. Each training day is delivered through our streamlined software. This makes it easy for the athlete to follow and track their progress. Each drill or exercise is linked to a video in case an athlete is every confused on exactly how to perform an exercise.
With remote coaching members will spend about 10 hours weekly collectively between their lifting and baseball programming. You can add an additional 4-5 hours on top of this if you decide to be a two way athlete.
However, if you are doing in person training we often recommend coming for one hour sessions 1 to 2 times per week.
With remote coaching it varies day to day. If an athlete has both a lift, and baseball programming for the day expect that to take between 2-3 hours. If they have just one or the other they can expect anywhere from a half an hour to 1.5 hours.
With our in person training sessions you can choose between 1 hour and thirty minute sessions for hitting, and 1 hour sessions for hitting.
All athletes will be added to an athlete group on Slack where they can communicate with their fellow Summit athletes. They will also have access to their trainer via Slack. This communication will be limited to training questions, updates, and equipment questions. Zoom check ins are weekly occurrences, in these 15 minute meetings trainers are happy to answer any questions, look over video, or make programming adjustments as needed. For in person training athletes will be encouraged to check in with their coach during their sessions rather an on a zoom call.
Summit hosts sessions out of Blacksburg, and Salem VA. However, with our remote coaching option we work with athletes located nationwide.
With our remote coaching we work with athletes who are 13 and older. If you are interested in remote coaching and have an athlete younger please inquire further.
For in person training sessions we work with athletes starting at 7 years old.
Due to the individual nature of the programming you can start year round. No matter the season your trainer will build a program to accommodate you and your needs to ensure your success. The best time to start is NOW!
We have training options that will fit all price ranges and budgets!